Things have been nice and lazy this past week...I feel like I've made good use of my break: a little taste of travel (Montreal), some time at home with my parents, some work stuff, some more work stuff, some future planning stuff. Unfortunately, I can smell the end of break approaching...
Oh, I forgot "some knitting." I should've taken photos of these petal bibs separately to be consistent, but they look pretty together, like the leaves on my parents' driveway, or the byways of Central Park. I made them out of three different cotton yarns--Suss Snuggle, Debbie Bliss Cotton DK, and Mission Falls Cotton. They're going to Laura soon, very belated gifts for her darling baby girl. If I'm ambitious (or productive?), perhaps they'll be joined by some other knitted trifles.
I also have a small section of the Liesel scarf completed, which has remained the same length for a month or more, probably because it resembles a small stretch of blah. I wonder if it's a worthwhile use of 200 yds of soft and shiny Jaeger silk (to make a longer stretch of blah?), and whether my mom will even wear it at all. |